100 paper tigers

spasms of a hair cross shot

triggered by a burst of tangent

detail an obtuse reduction

on a park bench degrading science

in the central point of solemn sentry

gazing through the glass of Gaza

where this ready sound of violence

recedes into our grasp

all that's left intangible

is managed into art forms

a prevalence of vague mystique

ascending through the shallow ducts

in Descartes glimpse of being not

merchants strife consumers

with impending cost of tax

interest craves inflation

steady with its subtle glance

synapse tearing sinew

limb to litigation

unhinged and unobligated

to exhume a stock response

introduced by firm appeal

they shook us of a sterile zeal

into damaged doctrines

patents ran right through me

like projected stabbing bullets

mapped a course of consonants

that correspond to progress

and clog my slim esophagus

with receipts of sold discrepancy

my account�s been overdrawn

and the coals of debt are burning

hot with bills of lading

waiting in the chapel

to marry my sovereignty

upon that blessed rock which built

the house of cards from Christ

who traces our ancestral history

with a hundred paper tigers

organized into organic

ides of inhumanity

towering in babbling

behind a face of fallacy

the class war still waging it bets

on an ante of antiquity

sandwiched in a package

with no oxygen to breathe

diluted with designs of drama

as the daylight races into night

to finish off the feudal fight

astronauts of ecstasy

exploring the unnamed terrains

of our perceptive susbtance

piloting the ship that sails us

away from ever finding closure

in the presence of our pinched exposure

frozen on the moons of Saturn

or some other far away distraction

procedures for a splintered action

micro sized in simple captions

homogenized and homely

edible and tasty pastel colored candy

emulating our desires

with no question of a consequence

a premise of prevailing volume

notarized and public

in the tablatures of themes

a center in the crude constructs

of this merciless regime

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