The Smart Fox Who Wasn't That Smart

The Smart Fox Who Wasn't That Smart


There was a young fox in the end of the world who spend most of his time
boasting about being the smartest animal that has ever existed. When the
animals broke the agreement and ended their purity by killing each other the
gods appeared on earth and the age extinction began.  The god walked on earth taking away the souls
of the animals and throwing them on the pit of endless suffering as a revenge
for their infidelity. The fox was known by the other animals for being very
clever and fast, he was always causing trouble to others and making them fall
so that the gods could catch them and kill them. He used to show it off all the
time, and the other animals used to say that if someone was going to survive to
the anger of the gods it was going to be him. And just like that the rumor
spread, until it reach the devil’s ears.


One day the fox was doing his usual thing, picking on others, when all
of the sudden the favorite prey of the fox appeared running on his direction
while screaming.

-¡Mr. Fox, Mr. Fox! Here I’m, now end with my life.

The fox look at the animal amazed and said. What is this, have you gone
mad? What is the reason of your suicide?-while laughing.

I rather die by your paws than being punish by the gods ¡perhaps you do
not know! It’s over there is nothing more to do, the gods are ending with the
few of us left, and they are throwing the souls to the pit of suffering. 

And you want to go there? Asked the fox confused.

You didn’t let me finish -said the animal – if you deliver your soul to
the gods they might forgive you but I’m to coward to take my own life, that’s
why I’m here.

Wait a minute, who told you that.

All the other animal are doing it, they didn’t want to tell you, they
want to see you suffer. So I thought that if you kill me I get what I want and
you get free fresh meat.

Oh that sounds perfect- a devilish smile light on the fox face

- Well then, I have a better idea –said Mr. Fox, why don’t we kill each
other? And that way we can both be forgiven, you wound me first and then
immediately after, I wound you.

Okay, said the animal, but if you don’t mind I want to be the first one.

I mind, you wound me first or there is no deal.

The fox was planning to cheat by not killing the other animal and
leaving him alone in the world so that the god could find him and take away his

The fox wound himself with the assistance of the other animal, and then
said to the other animal with a smile on his face -good luck taking your own

The smile on the fox face rapidly disappear, while watching the other
animal transforming to his original form. And in the last seconds of his life
he saw the devil taking his soul away.

“No matter how hard you try there will always be someone who is better
and smarter than you, and if there isn’t, the same devil will come and prove
you wrong.”

Author's Notes/Comments: 

An awsome fable.

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