My Grandma’s photo album

Memories. “-Memories- is the word that could better describe my photos” my grandma says. When she was ten years old, my great-grandmother gave her a big photo album. She loved it since she put in her first picture: a family photo from the day she received the big blue album, her birthday. In the photo you can see my grandma’s twelve brothers and sisters, and my great-grandmother and father. In the next pages she has two pictures for each of her brothers and sisters, one from their childhood and one from their wedding days. She also has a few pages with her boyfriends’ pictures; the last one of course is my grandpa’s. Since then, she has been keeping pictures and quotes from very special occasions, like her journeys, her wedding day and her famous three floor chocolate cake, my father’s first photo and else. Every time someone looks at the photo album she says: “Turn the page, turn the page”. She never leaves you alone with her lovely album, never. “You need to be careful with the things you love”. When you get to my dad’s graduation day, her biggest collection, she tells you everything that had happened in the picture. The things she did that day. She tells you about the cake, the party and my dad’s look before and after the party, she does not emphasize too much at the “after” appearance, not even if you ask. There is no memory left in the album. Even the day her granddaughters, my sister and I, were born. In those pages, she has been writing special things about us but she says that someday we will be able to read it, when she stops writing or when the paper runs out. But actually, she always adds sheets to it. I think what she writes will be like the biggest letter I’ll ever receive. My grandma’s memories are all she has to keep even though the world turns down. Those memories, she says, someday will be ours, my sister and mine. “You should put lots of sheets in the future for your children and wedding days, don’t you think?” I could just say that my grandma is the best frame collector I’ve ever seen and met. She is the best memories keeper. She is my memories keeper.
We do not remember days; we remember moments. ~Cesare Pavese.

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