From: Me, To: A Dad Absentee.

You know,
I'm quite the sucker for anything father and son.
I don't know why though?
You can't see anything I've accomplished.
You can't see who I've become.
Thanks though Mum.
You couldn't always be there,
but in the back of my mind
I knew you always cared.
I often sit by myself from time to time.
I don't really speak, 

Just write a few lines.
Not much is intended by my words.
I just want my mind to be free,

but instead I catch an audience.

So I tell them my life's story.

From day one I never had a father.

For years that hurt me,
but now I don't let it bother.
Father figures have come and gone.
None of which could form a bond.
Dead beats and dead weights.
They were bad seeds, with worse fates.
Then came one.

It seemed long-term.
He was my Hook
and I his little Worm.
By now in life the Spinner was spun

and the song had beeen sung.

I closed my eyes and heard a CRASH.

The door had fallen and under I dashed.
I peeked out to see the fight.

Eye to barrel,
face to face.

Please drop the gun

and let us leave this place.

I was terrified,

Just a child

and my life flashed by.
Only to be taken away
so I grew and learned to despise.
I learned though.
I grew!
I took that chance and flew.
I found my own.
Look at me Father I'm finally grown.

This isn't only to you though, dad.


It's an ode to Ma. 

All the times she helped pick me up,
especially after a hard fall.
She's been in a verse or two.
Usually harsh words,
a mean tone.
It's honestly to show her that she's not alone.
I wouldn't have passion to say these things

if your spot in my heart was gone.

I love you, Mom.
I write because I care.
I know times are hard

and you're probably pretty scared.
Just remember:

Bad things can't happen with out something else positive.

Action and Reaction

along with,

Equivalent exchange.

It's a familiar concept 

and not too strange.

Never were we normal.
Never were you meant to be a housewife.
You couldn't even safely handle a butter knife!

So dad was never there to come along,

that doesn't mean we don't belong.
Just be strong!
Joing me and write your own words into the song.
Good and bad you inspire me.
You're my hero, Mom.
You'll have my love for all eternity.


I didn't forget you little brother.
I know at times it feels like we don't even share a mother.
She's been yours really since your first breath.

You needed her more,

I already cheated death.

You lived a life full of "My's" and "Mine".
Never was she ours,
our lives didn't combine.
Hours of laughs followed by

days of fighting.

That's all we were.

Thunder vs Lightning.

I'm sorry, because it's really just me.

Welcome to life little man

it's really quite upsetting.
Chin up though kid,

no need to cry.
I know you feel different,
but shit who isn't?
I know times are hard
and you'll pick up a few scars down the way,
but at least they'll heal
and we can finally say,
"Our fate together has been sealed.

All hardships before can now be revealed."

I've got your back little man.

Stand by my side and lets stick to the plan.

Mom on the left and you on my right,

this is a winning team that will conquer any plight.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Revised 5/12/13

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