Our Scars


There came a day

some decades later

when I realized my scars were beautiful.

The mark on my arms from a kitten I had long ago

The one from the skate park that lives on my elbow

The rigidness on my wrist from a mustang who found his wings and sent me flying without him

The marks on my knuckles from the hard work and

The wrinkled wounds from the ways I've used these hands for helping

And that one on my face right on my cheek from a dog I had long ago that accidentally bit me

And the one from a lighter on my arm so I could make a fun memory on my 25th birthday with my sissy.

I realized by looking in the mirror that one day,

All of these scars were beautiful and

My face will never be the same 

and the memories of walking around with that patch over my eye

Because my cheeks were still so little and the wound bled like a siv

are the moments that will forever remain.

The scars we wear are us.

They're the stories untold and 

They're the stories that changed our life 

And from each of them we've seen our fate unfold.

We all have scars for different reasons

On our Bodies,

On our Hearts,

On our Minds

They're all a beautiful part

of who we are.

I have a story to tell,

and that mark that's healed right there-

Well, there's a story to that one

Sit down and stay a while

The stories just begun.

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