Golden Creature

In the midst of the pond, this new creature merges, amongst the tadpoles that swiftly gleamed through the peaceful waters, swaying their tails towards the shore.


The old toad sat with eyes half closed yet catching the flies that pass by him, with his tongue so swift and strong. The old toad soon recognized this wonderful creature, from his wisdom and age, a fish with coat of gold and not the green that matches the marsh.


The young tadpoles laughed as they swam, with half grown feet, hands still hidden and led by their heads towards unknown. The golden creature once midst of the sea, lived in the waters where there are no boundaries or shores, have come to find this peaceful water where there find a channel of water that gleams like her coat.


The old toad has once heard of this golden land, and with half-lid eyes stares at the edge of the horizon where the sun last shines. Creature of gold, this is your fountain

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