

My reputation used to precede me; everyone knew I was a gigalo!

“Suddenly” you occupy my arm and people don’t think that no mo!

I used to be on the prowl; eyes used to wonder continuously.

“Suddenly” you are present and others are no longer an interest to me!

“Suddenly” I am doing unfamiliar things like being considerate; I even sometimes worry!

“Suddenly” I rush to get home; hoping you’ll be there, not needing an “I worked late” story.

“Suddenly” I care about someone else’s thoughts more than I do about mine!

“Suddenly” my ego isn’t dominant; I’m now being directed by my heart; which insists it’s “True love” time!

“Suddenly” I want a constant companion that actually knows my name!

“Suddenly” It’s no longer appropriate to call me a “Player” because I’m no longer participating in the game!

Bryant Mosley

Author's Notes/Comments: 

A player meets his match

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