Tale of a Nomad

So he had it all: wilderness, tracks of land

Wallowed in green pastures, a rich Nomad.

He went as far as his legs could take him.

The temper of his blade narrowed the fields of the savannah

Nothing, it`s said, could blunt the grain of his spear.

But suddenly, the strength in his hand succumped to the thorn of time.Firstly, when he bewitched his manhood,

drinking his own blood;

Secondly, when the white baffoons trapped his genius, made him paria.

At Murua-Oloing'oni he laid his face to the ground

Beside his lion mane, a carpet of green leaves

And a heap of stones adorned his grave.

Olologolkwe the Laikipian passed out!

With him went the vast plateaus of Laikipia.

He can no more claim the shrines at Olereko.

Now scarcely has he the power of pen and paper.

May Enkai watch over him and his offspring

May He preserve his pride and spring-like stride

That whoever may come, sees him, wipes the tear from his eye

May say:he had it all, wilderness, tracks of land

Wallowed in green pastures, a rich Nomad

But the strength in his hand succumped to the thorn of time.

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