
Early Writings

Flying reindeer, Never learned to steer,

Flying pirate ship, Never learned to hear,

Never wondering a single bitten ponder,

Our hearts dance behind our backs,

Our hair twinges behind our necks,

Our stick-horse race, along the dusty beach,

Tehy carry us by wind, skipping the ocean,

Comforting the stray clouds upon the sky's floors,

Searching for the gloves,

Searching Finding

Whispering their secret, shadowing their faces,

Raggety-ann and Andy, Scurry round the mullberry bush

Finding Searching

For the gloves

I brushly kiss your porcelain face, So immortal to you,

I'm so connected to you,

I'm pierced upon your ballerina lips,

WE're painted in a sunrise bruise,

Descending on us like kites,

Reflectiong in our eyes, As we find the empty gloves,

I am you, You are me, We are us.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

This is about my friend Vanessa who I used to have a crush on. I have gotten over it, and now I see her as a very close friend and fellow poet, one of the few.

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