The Guppy

Short Stories

The boy knew the earth was round, but when he glanced again, he saw it had all turned flat like old soda, like a head that’s lost its hair, or the fresh green lawn, wintered off.

Mother had always said to stay in school, to hide his tears that always seemed to drown his eyes. But fish never drown. Fish can hold their breath for always, and always seemed like forever to him.

He was six years old yet, and he held his breath like the strongest fish shall. Those fists flew fast, shattering the glass self-esteem he held. They never ever ceased to look past his swampy eyes. They were constant as the mountains never toppled, never conquered.

The boy knew his name was Jimmy, that’s what his father said, “ For all Jimmies were men, not boys!” Jimmy knew the world was flat, for Jimmy knew it all, but when he glanced again, he saw himself as James.

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