Silly Old Bear

Empty again...Bother...

He's lost his honey to the road

Wavy as the rocky ocean sea

Wavy as the last tidal wave goodbye

Sore thumb of mine, You're empty

As empty as my heart without the honey

As a crust without the meat

Oh, honey of mine, Where have you gone so very fast?

To leave my heart as empty as Pooh's honey pot?

My nose stuck within my curiosity,

As the bees buzz on for more,

More tears to fill my eye, my pot my heart,

And drown my vision,

Oh, bother me, my love, I'm such a foolish bear,

One more telephone ring...1...2...3…4...

It rings so cold, so dead

Like a grouchy clam on the sandy bleating shores of all you are to me,

AS the phone rings on, Just does time fly on,

Slowly as the Frisbee turns on,

slowly as this earth

Turns its paranoid head again

To start a new and empty honey pot day

Like an orange basketball

So tightly-balanced on someone's greedy fingertip

When does she stop her screws to realize

She means the world to me

As much as she turns her paranoid head

So I turn with her

As much as the new and empty days slither on

So I wait AS she waits as well

As sure as the sun tips over the horizon,

So a new one rises on the new full honey pot day,

Waiting for a silly old bears like me.

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