My Uncle's Rum

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As the drink slowly but surely is lowered by my uncle’s hairy hand, his face ogling the glass he kept the slightest smirk until it reached the smooth surface of the table. I have many uncles, some who drink some whom not but this one definitely did. There are many alcohols, some are rum some are tequila but this one surely adores his rum. There are many rum brands, some cheap some expensive. But I have this one uncle who drinks cheap rum. He may have poor taste maybe not.  He may have money maybe not but he likes his cheap rum. No matter what my uncle always kept by his side his cheap bottle of rum. It could be after a long night of partying with my friends and arriving at my house seeing him with his coke and rum or it could be all day long at a family gathering as the pig was slowly but surely roasting and sizzling under as we call it “ataud”; I could hear the charcoal crackling and popping seeing it how it changed colors from a void black to a dusty white eventually turning into ashes. It could even be at Christmas or teeing up to play the 6th hole on the golf course. He loves his Cuba maybe more than he should; drinking it throughout the seasons, Oh is he an alcoholic?  Of course not, he is not an alcoholic at least I think so; I don’t know maybe he is. It could be the weekend Oh I assure he will be drinking his rum.  I remember the first time I tried rum beside my uncle, my father at a distance chatting with some other friends and out of the blue my uncle grabbed me tight as tick from my shoulder and pulled me afar from the eyesight of my father and said “What do you drink? Shitty tequila I imagine.” I laughed and as soon as I was about to deny it he told me, “Don’t lie pendejo I know you drink, try my cuba” and I said “Nah I don’t like” rapidly responding me “This one you will don’t be a pussy” handing me over his glass of Cuba. Soon after I tried it I told him “Wow It’s good” lying just to get him off my back. Thinking about all the instances I have seen him with his Cuba, which let me point out there has been a lot of sighting by myself seeing my uncle take a sip of his ice cold rum with coke; just a couple of times I have noticed him drunk. After all maybe he is an alcoholic that he has gotten so good at pretending to be sober that I rarely noticed him and in reality he is always drunk. So what is the cheap rum my uncle drinks? yes you guessed, white Bacardi or as I like to call barf.

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