Another Me

In a foggy, rainy evening, 18 years ago, two boys were born in London to a pair of loving parents. Their names were Jack and James. Unfortunately, they were separated at birth, taken by an unknown person who usually kidnapped kids and sold them to families impersonating an adoption organization. Jack ended up in a very wealthy family that lived in Brentford, in a very rich neighborhood, which he was raised in an upper class social environment. Jack’s family always organized a Polo match near town, every month because Jack was a polo player, and he had the idea. It was always a huge event, and people from other places attended. On the other hand, James was sent to a family who struggled economically, and he didn’t have the moral support of his adoptive parents. James wanted to desperately leave that place, so one day he decides to escape. He decides to ask for a job at the polo event, because they needed staff and it paid well, so he could take a train and move from the city. At the polo match James served the cocktails and cleaned tables. The match wasn’t going to start for about another whole hour and a half. Jack always arrived thirty minutes before the match started, to mess around with his friends. James started serving cocktails and he approached the group Jack was in, but Jack was turned around. When he arrived and asked if they wanted some drinks, Jack turned around and saw James. They were both shocked to see they were identical twins, and couldn’t say a word; they stared at each other for 2 whole minutes trying to understand what was going on. Jack approached James hand, and in that moment there was a spark and electricity, and in a quick moment Jack and James merged into one person. Then I woke up. ‘What a strange dream’ I thought to myself. I didn’t know any twins, and I definitely don’t live in foggy London and have never been there. I rose from my bed, and went downstairs to get some breakfast, and maybe think about another thing else from this weird dream. I reached for the fridge and we were out of everything, there wasn’t milk, there were no eggs. I decided to go to the store in my pajamas; I was kind of careless that day. I arrived to the store and immediately went to the dairy aisle. As I approached the aisle, I saw a guy standing where the milk is stored, also in his pajamas. ‘Cool’ I thought, ‘I am not the only weirdo here’. I reached the milk stand and he was holding the last pack of milk; I couldn’t see his face. “Dammit”, I realize I think this aloud when he turns around and says, “Do you want the last one?” I see how his face changes as he turns around to see me in shock, and I am surprised to see that his face is my own.

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