The great baseball

My grandmother gave me my grandfather´s baseball when I was 8 years old after winning a baseball tournament. Unfortunately I wasn’t able to know him, but I have heard amazing stories of my grandfather and his baseball. When he was young he and his friends bought the baseball to play friendly games and also to play a lot of local tournaments with it. A day when they won a very important tournament with that baseball his friends decided to leave the baseball just for him and also that same day a recruiter offered him to play for the Yankees (in that time they were searching for players everywhere to improve their team after losing a lot). His family didn’t let him to go. Over time he decided the baseball was his lucky amulet. After getting married he continued to play every weekend with that same baseball. My father told me that the baseball was always over my grandfather´s baseball glove in the hall of the house so that he never forgets the baseball for a game. My grandmother told me that one day during a game they lost the baseball in the field, my five uncles and my dad went to the baseball field for 2 days and search for it and finally they found it. I feel very lucky because I have one of my grandfather´s favorite and more important possessions. I am very careful with the baseball because if something bad happen to it the whole family will be mad with me. Some cousins are jealous of me because I have the baseball and not them. When my cousins and I get angry I just have to remember them that I have the baseball and not them, they get very mad and I start to laugh. The baseball has some bloodstains and no one knows where those came from, but since I was little I like to imagine that my grandfather hit someone in the nose with it. This baseball is very important for me and with some of the stories I heard of it I have learn a lot of important values. It may sound ironic but one of the values I learned is not to give importance to material things. When my grandfather had to reject the Yankees offer he just not lost the opportunity to play with them but also a very important economic opportunity. After all he was happy because he was still able to play with his friends his favorite game and be close to his family which is more important than money. Sometimes I like to observe this cowhide old baseball and imagine my grandfather playing one of his fantastic games.

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