How much is too much?

Change is the only thing that is constant. We have seen a gazillion changes over the last century. But the all encompassing change that we have seen is the growth in the number of thriving cities teeming with millions of people. And its not just the rise in population. Its about how greedy man has become. Overuse of resources by entrenching industries has had an adverse effect on the ecosystem. Rise in population has been caused by advancements in healthcare, increasing food security and a lack of organized family planning among the rural people.

The affects of all this can be seen in the poor quality of life in the working class people in the cities. Growth in demand of consumer products has put pressure on industries to increase production. Forests are razed down for their produce and for acquiring croplands. This has caused an increase in pollution and global warming.

We can take measures against this by increasing awareness about importance of family planning, and implementing sustainable development in government policies. We have to remember that the night is darkest before the dawn and even this problem can be overcome.

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