Apology unaccepted

This irrefutable substance,

has clouded my brain.

When all I want to do now,

Is sleep while it rains.

But even my dreams refocus,

on the person's repetitive disdain.

Angry at myself,

for once again opening up,

without thinking of consequences,

which hide in the dark.

I feel as if standing on the edge of a bridge,

I attempt to break away...

and drown the keys to my heart.

The person I blame,

is merely myself.

I make a mistake,

with each new hand dealt.

I never go forgiven,

atleast as of now,

The words are still being hidden.

I just want clemency,

if I could only know how.

Damn thoughts still haunt my mind.

Apologies not accepted.

So I am told,

It will fade over time.

This is one thing i hope.

Cause memories spawn from within,

Feeling myself building a wall,

To help stop the pain from getting in.

The only thing I really want,

Is for the tension to disperse.

and our friendship to revive,

and keep that trust alive.

so it will never die again.

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