Twins of lifes foray

I've regained something I never knew I had yet always yearned for

something lost in past lives long decayed

and now I hear

a thud upon the door of the waking ideal

a flame growing in strength

shadows lit from within their deepest darkness

bringing light unto my world

a pyre of inspiration burning through the souls

connected in a divine form by a tender stitch with sacred threads

sacred words are spoken

bringing a realm of sustenance to the open lips of a speaking heart

no words are heard

deaf with a calm fury of envisioned liveliness

reach out and grab hold of the gentle hand that caresses the heart with warmth

finally living

a lifelong daydream becoming a sentient reality

is it beauty before me?

a gaze fixed upon purity

upon times renewed

define a life worth living please

it may be a secret locked in the box of abuse and distrust

yet the key has found its way

and at the way I gaze

a beautiful insanity overcoming me

locking me into a desired bondage

a freedom bound and gagged in ropes of pleasantry

held within a reign of freedom

freedom of the selves

freedom of sacred conjoinment

twins in ecstacy

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