Dear Employer



I am tired of trying to a new career.
A better job, than what I am doing now.

The more I look, the more troubled I become.
Depression sinks me.

"What's the point?"
As I still seek and cannot find.

So I vent a letter:

Dear Sir,

I write to you this day to inquire about a job posted on your website. I send a letter instead of filling out a personality questionnaire, which for some reason determines if I fit your 'criteria' for the job.
Since we all know that all people have the same personality, and only those who have the right answers can really get the job. (sarcasm) Yet the sad truth is I can answer this questionnaire to fit your mold if I so choose to. I prefer not to play this stupid game. What good is it to dismiss people who apply based off of a personality test that cannot tell you if future candidates would make good employees? They can't.

Since your job description requires job experience, I do not qualify for this position. How does one get experience in their job market, if the current field does not have initial job options? (Entrance level) What good is a 4-year degree if jobs are only given to those who have experience? What does that say to the students graduating every year looking for work? Yet some of the jobs offered require training that can be done in a 6-9month program? So students that spent 4-5 years, dedicated in their study, are turned down for others who spend a quarter or less of the time to get the same job? 


Does this job offer advancement in the future? I have been told 'yes' by many of the companies I applied to. A few jobs I had, where they said I could move up, yet in reality I was lied to.

What if someone is considered over qualified? Would you still hire that person or hire someone else who cannot perform the tasks that need to be done? How would you pay someone who is over qualified?


These are just some of the questions I have, since many of the companies I have tried to find work with, seem to go this route.



Any college student applying for this job.

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