
Staring into the sunset, the day my world changed
Somehow I knew nothing would be the same
This game of give and take
Knowing mistakes I always make.
It seems to keep growing, this fear of having you
You don't realize the pain that I have gone through
I lay awake at night, world of worries on my mind
Then I smile when I think of your heart so kind
Your voice whispers in my ear, the words echoing
I fall silently for you without you even knowing
Each kiss and touch brings me to my knees
It's not fair that the whole world sees
I want you for my own, my love so pure
For my brokenness you are a cure
Whisper to me how you feel inside
I get lost in your voice, a secret alibi
I know your intentions and you know mine
So whisper beneath the old pine
Tell me how you care, tell me your truth
There is a need for hope, now you are proof
Whisper to me in the middle of the night
Tell me that being with me just feels right.

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