My Date with an 18th Century Man

            I didn´t know whether to go to the movies, which is an old cliché place to go, or go to a place that neither of us knew, which will make it either our special place of a fun story to tell. I opted for the new museum that I heard it was amazing and had an unbelievable collection of art.

            He came to my house at 6 o´clock, and I wasn´t ready yet. I told him he could sit and that I´ll be ready in 5 minutes. In the past the men with whom I have had a date always arrived at least 15 minutes late, and I guess I was used to that. It was a really pleasant surprise to realize that there are still some people who arrive on time.

            He was described by the Dating Agency as an 18th century man, tall, dressed in a tuxedo and with an incredible smile to die for. His distinguished bearing made him stand out from the rest. And let me tell you he was even better in person.

            I was in charge of guiding us to the museum, but I´m really bad at directions, especially when I have to ride a carriage with horses, and I thought that he eventually would get a little bit mad. But it was the other way around, he was amazed at my effort and laughed with me.

            When we arrive to the museum neither of us had any idea of what we were doing in there, it turned out that we weren´t interested in art. He thought that the exposition was really weird and I thought it was to abstract for me. It was such a blast and we decided to go to a restaurant around the corner. He didn´t look at his cellphone all night long and he looked me in the eyes as we speak.

            As we were in the restaurant I notice that he was really polite with all the staff and customers that passed by. He was surprised with the great variety of food and combinations. He told me that he was used to eat what he or his siblings had hunted in the morning. I told him that I would order for both of us, and that he should trust in my taste. He agreed with a smile.

            When the food came he was amazed with the presentation of the plate and decided to stand up and make a toast for the exquisite food that had just came. At the end of the dinner he grabbed my hand and guided me to an open spot where we dance a walts in front of everyone. I was intrigued about his reaction and it made me realized that I really wanted to get to know him better.

            Man from the 18th century, I recalled, often attended to fancy dinners and it was totally normal to make toasts with all the people, and danced walts afterwards.

            After dinner, as he walked me back home, he was a little disturbed about all the lights and people. I notice he was uncomfortable and took him to a park where the only thing that you can see are trees and a beautiful sight of the light of the city. When I tried to reach his hand he was really surprised, he used to be the one who used to grabbed the woman´s hand and had never seen a woman take the iniciative. He was delighted.

            I know these small details may seemed trivial, and that being together is almost impossible. But the truth is that he is someone worth the try and I hope we can make this work.

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