Vow to the girl I will never meet

As I look into your eyes every morning in bed.

I wonder how I ever got the girl of my dreams.

You stare back at me and smile, and I wonder what you are thinking.

I smile back to make it look like I know what's going on.

Yet, you know by my lil' smile that I'm just confused

You know me so well, and that is why you are the girl I will never meet.

You are so perfect to me in every way, shape and form.

You take my hand and make everything seem all right.

I hold you close, and I know you feel safe.

For you snuggle up so close, and we fall asleep in a curled up ball.

Your touch reminds me of our past, and of our future together.

Makes me yearn for more, and yet I know.

This is a vow for the girl I will never meet.

I see from your touch the life we will live.

The white picket fence with two kids running and laughing.

I see the fireworks of our love working.

Every kiss, more amazing than the last.

Every touch, more exhilarating than life.

So happy to be around you.

This is my vow to the girl I will never meet.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

I have no idea what I was thinking...

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