
Time heals all wounds, right?

I just want you to be happy

I try to stop tears like i have some kind of super human ability to fix others

I can't hold you, i can't give you a shoulder to cry on, what can i do?

in the mist all my friends feelings and troubles, all i can think about is me, me me me

I feel if others find love i will be left behind in whats left, just a "friend" someone to talk to

I'm tired of getting left behind, who is going to take me with them

i want to make it better, fix you. me. him. her, it, us....

but all i can do is try, no matter how hard i try it ends up blowing up in my face

If i were a person of faith, i would ask whoever is up there in the sky "fix me, us him, her, it, us"

I guess time does heal wounds, but can it bring back the dead?

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