Imagine It, Create It

Sparks creation
So lets imagine
Something better
And create
A better world
Than than
The one we
Are used to
Let's imagine
A world
Where differences
Are tolerated,
And learned from
Instead of hated
By people just
Because we don't
Understand them
Let's imagine
A world
In which
People think
For themselves
Instead of just
Following others blindly
Like a bunch
Of obedient
Little sheep
Let's imagine
A world
In which peace
Is a reality
Instead of just
Another dream
Imagine a world
In which we were
Taught to work
With each other
And help each other
Instead of just
Top each other
Imagine something
Better and make it happen
Because if you can
Imagine it
You can create it
So instead of
Just creating
A bigger social mess

Let's all work together
And create a world
That is better
For the sake of now
And for the future

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