Is It Sane


Is it sane
To be so well adjusted
To a deeply sick
And corrupted society
Is it sane
To give into
Such narrow minded conformity
Is is sane
To let hate kill millions
Is it sane
To let children
Be bullied to death
And only then have
People stand up for them
Is it sane
That so many people
With mental diseases
Go so largely unseen
Until they snap
And we suddenly
Wish we had
Seen them and helped them
While they still had a chance
Is it sane
To live in this mess
And to think it's not that bad
Is it sane
That we we rather play
Life like its nothing but a game
Is it sane
That instead of see it
We would rather ignore it
And is it sane
That we keep letting
People everyday die for it
Just because we don't
Want to deal with it
Go ahead society
Please just tell me
Is it sane?

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