Always The Mirror

Song Lyrics

Verse 1
Always the mirror 

Never the reflection
Yet still seen as a problem

To a society
That refuses to
Fix the errors in
Their own reflections
They refuse to see
Living only
In denial
And insanity

Would rather point fingers
At those like me
Than face their own

Lack of humanity


Always the mirror
With a reflection
Of the world as it is
Hated because of it
By those who just can't even
Society's story
Written by the
Manipulative elite
At least I can say
My life's author is me


Verse 2
Their truths hidden

Behind lies

So deep
They have forgotten
How to see
By a supposed reality
Brought to you
By your sponsored
Torn apart by greed
So divided
They see unity
Compliments of the hatred
Giving them power
Over you and me
And yet in the mirror
Is all they are conditioned to see



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