Phantom House

Song Lyrics

Verse 1

Welcome my friends
To the house
That knows you

Better than
You know yourself
No need for
The house knows
All and everything
Your deepest

And darkest secrets
You think are safe
Within you
Think again darling
No one escapes
The judgment

Of Phantom House
LOL welcome now

Yes welcome to hell

Welcome to 
Phantom House
Turned insanity
As you are exposed

For all that you are
Tell me friend
Yes tell me now
Was it worth it
You can run
But you can't hide
Welcome to Phantom House

Verse 2
Lie after lie
Stripped away at
Until the truth
Is all 
That you 
Have left
Go ahead 
Dear one
Keep lying
As that hole
You keep digging
Denial fyi
Is for the weak
But I guess
You are now
Finding that out

The fucking hard way
And to think
It honestly
Didn't have
To be this way



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