RIP Chester Bennington, Thank you For Everything

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I was 16 
When I first 
Heard you
Little did I know
That for me seeing 17
I would end up thanking you
Your music moved me
Spoke to me
Spoke for me
In a way I didn't yet 
Know how
Yours were the words
I couldn't speak 
Through the tears
And the fears
Of the world around me
Killing me daily
Unstable and weak
You gave strength to me

And kept me going
Your the one 
I remember listening to
When trying to figure out
What to do
Wanting to end it all
But still here 
Because you made me stronger
Strong enough to get back up
And stand once again
You made me feel less alone
That I had something to live for
Thank you Chester
For all you done
You really were 
One of the great ones
I just can't believe your gone

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