Thank You Jacksepticeye


Apple of my eye
The Irish boy wonder 
That makes my heart flutter
And never fails to
Make me feel better
Just hit over 16 million 
And I for one
Could not be happier
Or prouder
Of our Irish boy wonder
Who spends his days
Playing games
And making
The world better
Just by being 
The beautiful person he is
For more and more people
Everyday LIKE A BOSS!!!!!
A beautiful man
Who loves to make
Us all laugh 

A beautiful man
Who loves his fans
And encourages us
All to believe in ourselves
And be more positive

Makes us all
Feel amazing
And awesome
Every single day
No it really doesn't
Get any better
Than our beautiful Jack a boy
My amazing Irish boy wonder
So thank you Jack
For all you do
For me and everyone else
Who watches you
Yes thank you 
For loving and 
Appreciating us
The way you do
The world could 
Use a shit load more
People just like you
Positive, happy,
Grateful, and amazing
All things that barely 
Even start to describe you
So on behalf of 
Everyone inspired by you
I say congrats 
On over 16 million
Thank you 
For being you
And inspiring the world
You bring out the best 
In all of us
Thank you for that
And on behalf of us all
Please remember 
You are loved 
And we thank you
For all of the above 
And so much more
Congrats on the subscribers
And again thank you
Just honestly thank you

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