Wake Up Call From The Shadows

Song Lyrics

Verse 1
I sit alone
Out of view
Just out of focus
In a world
That about me
Has a history
Of not caring 
Even a little bit
Just sitting 
In the shadows
Observing a world
In which I am proud
I never did fit
One of madness 
And sadness
They never see me
And that's fine
Just means the
Advantage is mine
They should have
Paid attention

I never fit in
Always bullied 
Never seen
They don't know me
But I know them
They really should have
Paid attention
Like I did

Verse 2
I see and hear all
In this world
That loves to 
Watch me fall
And pretend
I don't exist at all
Got good at staying quiet
Fading into the shadows
Disappearing into the crowd
That will one day wish
They had not been so loud
I see their weakness
I hear their secrets
Yes in the shadows
I sit learning
Things they wish 
I didn't know about
Information I collect
I intend one day
To shout out loud
But this is not payback
No this is a wake up call
One that you have all
Had coming


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