Be The Rebellion


Be the rebellion
Be the change
You dream
To see
And fight like hell
To make it

A reality
You may not be
The hero we want

But you could just be

The hero we need
When the
Tells you
To back down
Tell them to
Fuck off
And keep on going

Your fight is far
Too important
To back down now
For the world

Needs a hero
And now
Before it falls further
And further
Into an oblivion
It should have

Seen coming
But didn't
In the midst
Of all the hate
War and greed
That keeps bringing us all
Practically daily
Day in day out

To our knees
Yet still it's something
We refuse
To do anything
Seriously about
A bombing today
A shooting tomorrow
We can't keep

Living like this

And it's insane
To think
That we should
Let alone can
So be the rebellion 
The change

You dream to see
No never stop fighting
To make it a reality
Because you may not be
The hero we want

But you very well could be

Just the hero we need 

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