How Do We Undo Us


How can we undo
The horrors

We have done

The wars
The carnage
The slaughter

And genocide
That has left 

Death, destruction,
Mayhem, and global
Brought on
By the greed
Of those 

With power
They shouldn't have

And don't deserve
Won with lies
And on the backs

Of those who
Have sacrificed 
And died
In wars 
Started by
Political agendas
And fucked up minds

How do we undo

The pain
Our hatred
Has caused
How do we 
Erase the memories
That leave scars
That will never fade
How do we renew
The innocence
Stolen by those

Who never cared

In the first place
How do we 
Renew the faith
Of a society
Driven blindly
By conformity
Divided by
And petty things
Who trusts no one
And nothing anymore
How can we justify
Worshipping the rich
But ignoring the poor
How can we fight
To make things better

When we keep forgetting
What we are truly
Fighting for
How can we 
Possibly ever
Achieve peace
In a world

That is too blind
And caught up
In nonesense
To remember

Or even notice
At all
That peace
Is what we are missing 
Tell me society
How do we undo
What we ourselves
Have sadly become 
How do we
Undo us 



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