Diamond Claw

Hambre del Alma

Last night,
I met old John down by the river
He sat at the edge of the bank,
dipped his feet in and shivered
Said, child there's a
colder wind blowin around here
you best go home

I know this place is
going to be underwater
He told me so
And the monster is waiting for me,
the white unicorn with red eyes
He pierces me in the ribs,
as my father did back in 1985
It all makes sense, how it all comes full circle
from you to me again

You better run, child
You better stop this foolishness inside your heart
Can you not see what I see
How your gut roars like a lion
No, you cannot be this,
you must move quiet, like dust

Old John says,
that in the end there is much to lose
so much in fact, that he cries in his river for me
Sometimes it swells, like an ocean
and covers the road
It is just a sign, he says
And what I give you,
I'll never get back
That's the worst kind of love a soul could have

like a diamond claw

and I think, child,
we are the only ones who
know what that means

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