This War of Mine (Part 3)

The Ravens fly into an

October sky

The kind that makes people sad

I want to slip into Arizona

and live through a war of wind and rock

the birds even have a shade of blue about them...

they pick at the dying grass and leaves

I could go. I could dream a little dream of you.

It's not fair, to love other women.

To head out one night into secrecy and hidden agendas.

you keep the mystery steady

like a real magic man

and I am fooled.


it ends here.

before the race of time.

my soul doesnt ring on

like a telephone that you

call everynight

it is a tool that

cuts right to the pulp

and every nerve ending sparkles and spits blood

a gallon or so.

enough to change a course or steer a ship

to sleep on, eyes so glazed

pockets of flesh turn purple

walk about in a moon trance

i left you in our bed

like that.

You seek something else.

and so, I crawl wearily over the stonewalls to

hand over my white ragged flag.

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