
It is 1 or 2

I am in the middle of my dreams

There is a woman, thirty miles from here, stroking her

husband lovingly

Through a brick and mortar wall

We are the loves of her life, she does not know that yet

I have not met her in the street or the isle of the

local grocery store

I have been on the phone, listening to my own voice, explaining

how this past weekend crashed like a caffeine fix

There was an occasional pause every five minutes

I have been drowning in flem and the aftermath of bronchial infection

The bottle says: do not take if you have heart problems or

liver problems

or mental problems

or bleeding problems

or fever problems

or fetus problems

But nothing works in my body unless I become a hefty lush

I will masterbate tonight, thinking of several different people

calling out several different names

Brains that have not mentioned me in months

It has been a breakfast feast for pigs and savages

Teeth all crooked and newly sharpened

itching for a turn




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