Benny, You're a Dead Man

He's out back burning copper pipes

She's in the house, concreted to the couch,

gripped by oxysleep

Two little girls wander the dirty floors

And one has this thick look about her

They are one and two

And you have four eyes following you

And one has this withered glaze

Someone said that Benny walked in,

took her clothes off and she never

was the same again

Oh God.

Addicts are killers.

Killers of dreams. Killers of futures.

Killers of little baby girls.

Love taker. Indian giver.

I hope you swallow the whole bottle

And I hope Benny takes a bullet in his dick

What could have been more important?

The pills?

The high? The thrill?

A sugared reality is for pussies and weaklings

I pray that you choke off the drug smoke you

blow over their heads

One and two.

How could you?

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