I met a young lady the other day,

attempting to light a fire.

To serve a noble cause,

enabling hope,

of new beginnings.


She was crafty,


and a beautiful soul.

She blissfully though

I had fallen off life’s  track

of my own accord.

Or falsely assumed,

my predicament

is of my own making.

I stand guilty as charged,

for fool hearted confidence in the system.



I alone,

is the cause?


consider the real question.

Who stands to benefit?



truth is an allusive beast.

I say,

The prognosis was a false positive.

She was an angel

entering a foreign land.

She delicately,

tried to entice me back on life’s rails,

for an existence of meaning,


and fulfilment of details.

A very sweet.




if ever there was one.


Heaven is her proper place.

Her gentle spirit,

and radiant smile

seemed to cut the deep dark cold.


She was well meaning

with noble intensions.

A young.



acting with intent,

and delight,

to save an old fool.


She was a fair maiden

whom choose to be one,

to shroud herself in chivalric code,

while basking in all of innocence glory.



Her magnificence is not diminished,

though she should know,

or at least aught to have known;

that the journey of life

Is not always a straight line.

For sometimes,

It throws you a curve.


The path to enlightenment,

It buckles,

and it bends.

Twisting trough valleys,

and curving  around mountains;

a quest for the faithful,

forced by fate,

and fashioned by the Oracle in grace.

If one learns life lessons,

and reads the silent meanings.

May God’s mercy,

make us a better race.


My pretty little angel,

A raging fire is necessary

to forge steel!

A high temperature,

with lots of pressure,

to make diamonds real.


and so-forth,

is bound by hell fire

in the planets belly.

Before Mother Earth

expels precious gems,

giving birth .


But I am still grateful

 for the small blessings;

your warm heart,

and the gentle cares of my intelligence.


You matter,

my noble Friend!

You matter.

I acknowledge your cause.


I saw my Friend another day.

She volunteered in a soup kitchen.




of what little she had.

I felt inspired!


There was a tiny


with a bit of warmth,

right about there.

It smouldered a bit,

then simmered,


and popped into a flickering flame.

I can conquer.

I know my name!


My skin was burning,

my blood was boiling,

my brain was baking.

My organs,

erupted into raging flames.

I felt rejuvenated!


Peace and tranquility washed over me.

My problems were no more of a problem.

My trials,

and tribulations;


they were there;


without an invite to the party,

for I was blessed.

I have discovered myself.


My mind transcend the present state of things,

to rise above human problems,

if God is willing

or according to her Devine plan.


The Hardship of life,

has always been there,

It will always be there.

Tribulation is a necessity of life.

The sculptures knife,

carves us.

The potters fingers,

molds us.

The artist brush,

paints us into unique individuals.

We are defined by our experiences.

Genetics is only  half the story,

the inevitable swim in the social cesspool is the other.

You have discover yourself.


I am,

who I am.

You are who you are,

and we can be no  other.



Is the price for being different.

social evils,

Is the cost of individuality.

Or is individuality,

the cost of social evils?

The debt for uniqueness must be paid.

Low and behold,

we have discovered ourselves.

Let us celebrate!


I feel like doing yoga,

bring it on.

Sun salutation in the morning,

to find my happy place.

Happy baby pose at high noon,

 to smooth,

and calm the human creature.


Warrior pose in the evening,

to induce strength,

to be strong,

to protect my vitality.

For I plan on living long with quality.



close your eyes.





Breath deeply.

Breath long,

to restore balance.

Now I am at peace.


Thank you my angel,

Recall I said;

“You matter.”

You matter still,

For you inspire!

Leegal Poet

Wayne Ferron

Wayne Ferron.All rights reserved @ Copyright

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