Always & Forever

always & forever

I love you or so I thought...

no I loved you

I wiped the tears from your eyes

kissed you on the lips & walked away...

not from you

but the death of what we had

the remains still evident

in your perception

me being the murderer in this case...

I care for you always & forever

wait--I cared for you once upon a time

when our love was fresh...

our love I kept in a bottle

close to my heart

protected from everything and everyone

I trust you always & forever

my bad...I trusted you...

I walked into the darkness for you

with no hesitation

you were my light to see

only you faded out

leaving me in this dark abyss alone

my shattered love laid in pieces

evidence for you to see

that it was you who was the murderer

I being the victim...

now it's my turn to walk away

no longer in pain

I held you

yet you tried to break me

change me to something else

you told me to say yes

I refused...

my eyes opened to the truth

my heart was set free...

I loved you

more than can be described

I wait for you always & forever...

in the past I waited for you

put a block on my dreams

so you could reach yours

I stand beside you always & forever

our fears & aspirations being one in my mind...

only caring about yourself

in yours...

I walk away

to a better life

not looking back at what could have been...

I walk towards

my future

my destiny

my life...

I love me...

always & forever...

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