Once Upon A Christmas

Once upon a Christmas a little girl named Sue,        

Wanted to think of something special to do.

She had no money or any toys of her own,

She lived with her grandmother because her parents were gone.

She had a kind heart for such a wee little thing,

And always thought of others and the joy that she could bring.

So what could she do? Who was in need?

Her little heart was aching to do a good deed.

She thought and thought, and then thought some more,

But she always ended where she was before.

There must be something that she could do,

Somewhere, someone needed something she knew.

Her ragged coat hung upon a nail in the hall,

And her right glove had a hole in it since last fall.

They were a little tight now, but she still put them on,

There was a chill in the air , it had been snowing since dawn.

She put on her old rubber boots that had seen better days,

And went outside to watch the other children play.

She wanted so much to play too,

But they wouldn’t even invite her to play at school.

It bothered her a lot, but she acted like it didn’t,

I mean look at them, with their warm coats and brand new mittens.

They had so much more, and all had their Christmas toys,

Santa must have thought they had been good girls and boys.

She had been forgotten that had to be the case,

For she had been extra good, and always a smile upon her face.

Course Santa must have been busy, or didn’t know she had moved,

That was what she believed to be true.

There was almost a foot of snow and it continued to fall,

And as she walked someone hit her in the head with a snowball.

All the children laughed they thought it was funny,

Her throat was already aching and her nose was runny.

She knew it would be worse tonight, but she didn’t care,

Someone needed her somewhere.

The feeling was strong and so intense,

Her little heart was filled with suspense.

Why her? Knowing she had nothing of her own,

Worn out clothes and a run down home?

There were no answers to her questions,

No thoughts or any suggestions.

So she continued to walk thinking the answer would come,

And she grabbed her handkerchief as her nose continued to run.

A hacking cough passed her lips

And she politely covered her mouth with her fingertips.

She turned the corner at the end of the block,

And she stared in surprise totally shocked.

There sat a little girl about her size,

She was shivering and had tears in her eyes.

No coat, no mittens, and only tennis shoes for her feet,

And Sue looked around the empty street.

No one was around except for the little girl, and Sue,

She tried to think, what could she do.

She gave the girl her coat, her gloves and her rubber boots,

The coat was a little big, but her smile was so cute.

Sue was shivering but she didn’t care,

Because that was her good deed sitting there.

Back at Sue’s grandmother’s house they sat by the heat,

Trying to thaw their hands and their feet.

The little girl was taken in, fed what little they had,

That night Sue died, and grandmother and the little girl were sad.

Sue’s good deed was to find a little girl to keep her grandmother safe,

To do as Sue did and read to her everyday.

God needed Sue to help him up above,

Because that little girl, had a heart full of love.

It’s not the presents that you give, or gifts that you receive,

It will be a merry Christmas only if you believe.

                                                             Love and strength, is where it all starts

                                                                     One of life’s gifts from the heart



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