




when I read your heartsongs
I want to wrap myself up
in your poetic melodies
and be forever lost
in the zealous feel
of your undulating pulse

I want to dance the world
to the beat of your refrain
so every living thing can know
what it feels like to sway
within the symmetry of you

and I want to write…

….all of the amorous blush
pouring passionate from my pen
is drenched in enamored
thoughts of you
and I compose them
fervently and explicitly
from my heart to yours

as I etch these syllables now
….each one deliberate

I can’t help but flutter
within the anticipation
of your keen gaze settling
upon my conspicuous heartspen

and when you react to my words
…the way that only you do
I find myself in that place
there beneath moonspoken truths
rhyming within the artistry
of who we really are

reciting the verses of my soul
for you alone …

...and I want to create
a new language with you
one that only you and I
can decipher
mixing inks of passion
and melding poetry of heart
until we become one
tenderly and ardently scribed
into our own lovespoem

© LadyRaine

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