Aphrodites Apple

‘For the fairest’

This honored title

Inscribed on a golden apple

This is to be judged by man?

Three goddesses

Arguing, bitching, bickering

A wonderstruck Shepard,  

An unknown prince


Promises flicker in his ears

Spiteful Hera

Goddess of marriage

‘Rule the world with my help’

Powerful Athena

Goddess of War

‘You will be the hero of great battles’

Flirting Aphrodite

Goddess of Love

‘The most beautiful woman will be yours’

Seductive whispers are tempted

Paris hands the apple to Aphrodite

Aphrodite gives him Helen of Sparta

Married to King Menelaus

The most beautiful woman in the world

Beautiful enough to die for

1,000 ships cross the ocean full of soldiers

To fight for their kings wife

Now named Helen of Troy

Kassandras warning rings through the town

Others say “She is mentally ill, don’t listen”

Talking of earthquakes and death

Of Gods that are angry

Of wooden horses

Idols to Poseidon

10 long years of fighting and death

Of unheard warnings from Kassandra

Finally the forewarnings are believed

But too late

Troy falls

The cause of this tragedy

A contest of beauty

Selfish goddesses fighting for a prize

For an apple

Author's Notes/Comments: 

i believe that beauty contests are extremely cruel. only one person is happy and you're telling the rest that they aren't pretty enough, this is so mean and hurtful. because of that factor i think that people will do anything to be named "most beautiful" and it ruins them and the people that love them. wonderful people turn into monsters so they can win. this poem seemed like the best way for me to show an example of what i mean.

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