Signatures By
The Tired Lion


Imagine for a moment how everything  in this planet just begun

I know by reading the Holy Scritures that God created everything

I learned of  this  in the book of Genesis since I was a little child

In the beginning there was nothing to be found, not a single thing

There was a void and there wasn't any sea, land or any sky

God then had a wonderful plan in His mind about changing  all this

He started to create all the things we see and some we haven't done yet

He created day and night then and all the planets in our solar system

God saw that everything looked so good so He created  man just like Him

In His own image He created man and called him Adam and then created Eve

The woman he formed from one of Adam's ribs when he slept peacefully

God was so good to both of them as they  enjoyed  their life  in Paradise

That wonderful place  where they  lived happily for a while nobody knows

For how long till Satan as a serpent tempted them and they fell forever into sin…

Dorian Petersen Potter

aka ladydp2000



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