When I think of you I always start to cry,

It breaks my heart in two, so young you had to die.

Your final days here on earth,

Were filled with so much pain and crazed-dispair.

I still find myself so very sad,

When somewhere I see, your lovely face,

When I think of you and this world now without you,

And what a fine and kind person, you really were to all.

I do believe and without a doubt I always will,

That many people truly loved you so.

Now your motherless children will grow up,

Always loving you and remembering you, too.

God decided then, from Heaven to call your name,

All of sudden the angels came and took you away,

Now, you are in His presence forever safe,

But you'll always live here in our hearts... and memories.

Dorian Petersen Potter

AKA LadyDP2000


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