The Siren

Cold, dark thoughts behind cold, dark eyes.
Hearing her voice causes his breath to catch.
His skin crawls with a million spiders.
Waves of icy fear wash down his spine.

Inside him is a beast that longs to be set free.
He longs for his violent energy to spring forth.
An unquenchable hate that would swoop down, destroy her.
He is in agony, wishing he could crush the vile temptress.

When he sees her, his mood sours instantly.
A cold, dark ball a furry swells inside him.
His jaw clenches. His pupils dilate.
Every muscle in his body tenses in automatic response.

It is as if she has poisoned the very air he breaths.
Tainted the home he used to feel so comfortable.
She has marked her scent on that which was his.
Now he is a trespasser where he once was king.

He screams a warning to the others.
Warns them of her wicked ways.
They do not hear him. Do not see him.
To them, she is sweet, kind and trustworthy.

He knows the truth.

They laugh with her. He struggles to breath.
With open arms, they welcome her in.
They embrace her as if she was kin.
He cringes with each touch they give so willingly.

She smiles then. Smiles at him with knowing eyes,
Amusement spreads across her awful face.
She has won. She knows it. He knows it more.
The Siren has wormed her way into the one place he loved to be.

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