
I'd like to attempt to define courage.

Courage is the man on the corner begging for money to feed his family.

Courage is the 16 year old mother who was deserted by her "man" but is still raising her child.

Courage is the young girl who calls the police on her father to save her mother.

Courage is the teen who resists peer pressure.

Courage is any person in this world who can say "no."

Courage is the boy who will face anything for that girl.

Courage is the rape victim who finally speaks out and gives the tip that leads to the capture.

Courage is the convict that can come to terms with what he or she did and serve their time.

Courage is the person who can finally break away from their abusive spouse.

Courage is any one of us, if we can have the courage to live it.

You are courage.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

15 January 2006. Courage is my Aunt who is raising 3 children, ages 6, 4, and 2. The six year old has autism and a full leg cast, the 4 year old craves attention, and the 2 year old is simply going through the terrible twos.

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