My Fear of Reminders

Poetry about Rape

Every night I close my eyes

and they come back to me

In dreams the reminders

of what I've hidden inside

They love to hurt me and make me cry.

The reminders of my past

I see the faces of the 12

who kept that man from going free.

And the reminders torment my soul

That running little girl is me

Then there's always his face

and his hands that caressed,

and later turned to fists or rage

The reminders of my bruises

I toss and turn the whole night through

trying to get away

But I can't hide from the reminders

For they are part of me.

I hide behind a wall of smiles

so that nobody could guess

This confident young woman

is a victim of the reminders

so when you see me

and I'm staring off in space

dont' ask me what's wrong

I'm probably being reminded.

I'm not being cold

I'm not pushing you away.

You can't possibly understand

My fear of the reminders.

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