My Old Pouting Tree

My Old Pouting Tree

Just outside my bedroom

I can clearly see

the place I go when I'm upset,

My Old Pouting Tree.

I'll sit there for hours

perched against its trunk.

I cleanse my soul

from all its woes

and all the kid-like junk.

My old tree has been faithful,

as faithful as can be!

I can cry for ever.

It's always there for me.

I planted it as a tiny seed,

watered it and watched it grow.

Momma said if I would talk to it,

it would listen and so...

I tried what momma said.

Bless pat!It is true.

I helped my tree

and it helped me too.

Now I still go out there.

Not as often as I should.

I just don't pout as much.

I'm learning to be good.

But momma says if I ever get a boy friend

and he's not nice to me..

just let her know

and she will have to show him

how it feels to hang

from My Old Pouting Tree!

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