Fury of the Gods

Fury of the Gods

A flash of startling fire cracks through a swollen sky.

The whistling wind slowly dies,uttering a tremendous sigh.

Ominous clouds hide within moonlight ever bright.

All gives way to superficial darkness of the night.

Thunder calls across the sky searching for a soul mate.

But for the brilliant speed of dancing light it is too late.

Clouds sob mournfully shedding tears of driving rain.

On top each house, eerily circles the cock of the weather vane.

Raindrops savagely beat a gentle ground,

Searching for lost companionship never found.

An intense fury of startling force within nature's power

A violent tantrum of emotions subsides within the hour.

Heavy clouds dry eyes, sick with sorrow

A ladden heart waiting for the freshness of tomorrow.

A circled Globe of surreal light once again stares out.

Depressed clouds float upon the heavens, the only remaining doubt.

Pools of liquid trickle timidly down a weathered roof.

Each tiny pool of fallen sky stands alone, aloof.

Silence, as a thousand raindrops descends.

And so the fury of the Gods comes to a peaceful end

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