Sea Level

"To the ocean.  That sounds right.

Where the waves roll slowly

and there's always a roar

and you can't fall anywhere.

You're already there."

   - Robert Pirsig-

When early you awake the day

and lead your toes to the wet sand,

crunch shells the lapping lick away,

spy gulls who float above the land

The feelings matter more than sounds

of whumping waves and whooing wind.

Emotions trump the sights abound,

of shimmering, quiet, morning pinned.

Moments we are wont to forget,

indelible marks of regret;

Times not yet passed we must endure

Unknown that churns us insecure;

Here they meet, all to acquiesce,

In effable points of egress,

Eclipsing the something behind,

Accepting the nothing ahead.

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