Have You Seen My Muse?


Have you seen my muse?

I think it's gone to China

or maybe it's in England,

or even in the States.

Have you seen my muse?

I hate to be a whiner

but maybe it is visiting with

my poetic mates.

If you find my muse

please tell it that I'll feed it.

Send it back down under

here where it belongs.

If you find my muse

please tell it that I need it.

Without it I can't write any

more poetic songs.

I don't know why it left me;

I treated it quite nicely.

I kept it here beside me,

never left it in the cold.

I don't know why it left me

but I'd like to know precisely

just where my muse has gone to

and return it to my hold.            

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