There are people who don’t want Charles Proteus Steinmetz

To be a hunchback, and they are looking for all gay people to

Be straight.  It is hard for them to say so be it, selah!

The grapes of wrath were planted long before Steinbeck wrote

His novel.  Always there are people who don’t want things to be

The way they are. The Beatles say, “There will be an answer, let it be”.

The last thing the “Graduate” wanted to see was her to marry the

Wrong person.  Mrs Robinson would say, let it be, let it be.  Our

Hero heard the sound of silence and could not let it be.

Spartan mothers love their warrior sons so much.  It is hard for them

To say let it be when their infant son drowns it a few inches of water

Face down.  For this, all of us are improvident to trust in providence.

For the chiropractor, he knows that things aren’t always straight.  Our

Spines are a way of tuning into the universe like antennae.  For

Those with scoliosis we have to say let it be, there will be an answer.

When Napoleon lost most of his troops in the abandoned Moscow, he

Let them be; the result was slow starvation and homelessness in Vilnius;

History repeats itself in subsequent wars by leaders who won’t let conquest be.

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